Friday, June 29, 2012

Literature is my Utopia

I must admit that I have been watching a little to much tv lately and neglecting my reading. Netflix makes it so hard on me :) I haven't posted about my latest intrigues lately so I thought I would let you know what I have been reading.

Let's just go ahead and get this out of the way... I have completely fallen in love with the Fifty Shades Trilogy!! It was suggested several months ago in my Book Club and since then we dedicated not one but two of our monthly meetings to the discussion of these books. I have always enjoyed reading romance but this gave us just a little more dirt! If you don't like romance (and a lot of it) this might not be the series for you. BUT if you do...please, do yourself a favor.

Thanks to a dear friend I have discovered that I can get lots and lots of great books for fairly cheap or free on my nook. This has been a great little discovery as before I was purchasing several books a month at full cover price. Here are a few of those that I have enjoyed and all for under $4 total!

A sweet little read for sure! I enjoyed the book so much that I am sure to read more from Elizabeth Camden. A very G rated romance!! This one was FREE on the day that I downloaded it on my nook.

Four novels for $3.99?? Yes, please!! I adore vampires and Samantha Moon's story was unlike any other. I loved J.R. Rain's view on vampirism.

I just finished up Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. Very interesting indeed. I have always enjoyed mixing fact with fiction and I loved the ending. This was suggested by my brother in law who knows my obsession with vamps. We must see the movie soon :)

This is the first time that I have read Aiden James. So far so good. There are quite a bit of details and fairly fast moving plot. It is not my favorite view on the world of vampires but definitely worth the $2.99.

Here is what's next. Another suggested read from my Book Club gals. It is highly recommended if you loved 50 Shades. I can't wait to dig into this one!

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