Sunday, February 26, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things :)

I have a lot of favorite things. My family, my friends and my sweet little animals are definitely on the top of the list. Right off the top of my head and in no particular order, here is my "top 20."

1. My Boys

2. Boston Terriers

3. My pool

4. The south

5. My family

6. The sound of Nick's guitar

7. Merritt's laugh

8. My awesome friends

9. Book Club

10. The way Wyatt talks. I love listening to his vocabulary as it develops. The way he puts sentences together is so entertaining.

11. My shows. I have a ton of these and I will dedicate a whole post to them sometime soon...they deserve it.

12. Long summer days

13. Flip Flops

14. My ever expanding collection of jewelry

15. Red nail polish

16. Diet Sundrop. You know that was going to make the list :)

17. Grilling with Nick

18. NKOTB. If you don't know what this is I don't think we can be friends :(

19. The accomplishment that I feel when I kill it at Publix. I love couponing and getting the best deal possible.

20. Walking

I'm sure I will think of something else later that should go on this list. Who knows?? Maybe there will be a top 30 in my future. Have a great week!!!

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