Sunday, February 26, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things :)

I have a lot of favorite things. My family, my friends and my sweet little animals are definitely on the top of the list. Right off the top of my head and in no particular order, here is my "top 20."

1. My Boys

2. Boston Terriers

3. My pool

4. The south

5. My family

6. The sound of Nick's guitar

7. Merritt's laugh

8. My awesome friends

9. Book Club

10. The way Wyatt talks. I love listening to his vocabulary as it develops. The way he puts sentences together is so entertaining.

11. My shows. I have a ton of these and I will dedicate a whole post to them sometime soon...they deserve it.

12. Long summer days

13. Flip Flops

14. My ever expanding collection of jewelry

15. Red nail polish

16. Diet Sundrop. You know that was going to make the list :)

17. Grilling with Nick

18. NKOTB. If you don't know what this is I don't think we can be friends :(

19. The accomplishment that I feel when I kill it at Publix. I love couponing and getting the best deal possible.

20. Walking

I'm sure I will think of something else later that should go on this list. Who knows?? Maybe there will be a top 30 in my future. Have a great week!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

All About Me :)

Since this is my first blog I thought I would write a little introduction about myself, my hobbies and a little about my family.

I was born in the early 80's. I am an only child and I am fine with it. A ton of people ask me if I wish that I wasn't and I always tell them that it doesn't bother me. I spent most of my childhood living in the 80's and my fabulous teen years in the wonderful 90's. I seriously enjoyed going from one sporting/social event to the next. From drag racing to ballgames, I somehow managed to squeeze it all in. I have the best parents around and they have always followed me from one thing to the next cheering me on.
I believe that the 90's was the BEST DECADE EVER!!! I loved my high school time and still remain in touch with a lot of my friends. I met my husband in the spring of '99 and graduated a couple of months later. After dating for a couple of years Nick and I got married in September of 2001. This picture was taken a couple of summers ago. I have always loved it :)

I have a NEED to craft and create. It is as simple as that. I enjoy creating things and if I don't "scratch an itch" as I have often refered to it, the need will absolutely keep me up at night. If you have never assembled a flower arrangement in your sleep you really should try it. It certainly makes for a restless night. I have been blessed with an understanding family who have and continue to support me in my endeavors. Nick has never pressured me to work outside of the home. He is a wonderful worker and provider for our little family and I have very much enjoyed the luxury of working at home whether I am sewing, doing flowers or even housework :) I have worked in the floral design industry for the last twelve years. I have always loved doing flowers (most of the time..haha) and I have enjoyed meeting and working with some very sweet people.
Here I am several summers ago with an arrangement that was part of a wedding that I did. I look a little frazzeled in this picture...LOL! I'm sure I had been up several nights and days as were my usual wedding habits.

In 2008 my world changed completely. My sweet Wyatt was born and I couldn't love him any more! He is the apple of my eye and being our only child and the only grandchild on both sides he is quite spoiled.

Here he is at about 2 weeks old.

Here he is three years later. I can't believe how big he is getting.

These days I spend most of my daytime hours sewing. Sewing has been a passion of mine for the last ten years or so. I love creating unique children's clothing for not only Wyatt but for many, many others as well. I am the co owner at Dream A Little Dream where I work with my cousin Carla in customizing our own little clothing line.

Our First Craft Show

Our little business is growing by leaps and bounds. We are so blessed to have such a great response to something that we really enjoy doing. We have made so many new friends through our clothing.